The Unrevealed Essence of Shapes in Web-designing

Sometimes shapes can be just beyond set of joined lines. Apart from generating visual flair on websites, shapes can have psychological impact on the viewers. Seldom designers, impulsively incorporate shapes as design elements while quite often they thoughtfully integrate shapes to express message. Like words even shapes imply sense in web-designing, they add more significance to the design and content. They also divide the web elements and enhance the visual flow. Right from the geometric patterns to free-flowing forms, every shape has its own unique essence which elevates the user-experience and makes them feel more connected with the website. Some reflects creativity while some evoke emotions, however each shape would create visual interest in your web project. If you are striving to convey message through shapes, don’t go over the top with it. Limit the usage of shapes or focus on variations of same pattern rather than complicating the designs as well as the audience with copious shape options.

Let us now focus on the moods that are related with different shapes:


Circular shapes are in vogue in web-designing. They are most popular shapes for logos, buttons and call-to-action icons. Circle is often assumed to be feminine shape due to its curves. Hence this geometric form is used to evoke emotions such as love, friendship, power, warmth and harmony. The spherical and the ringed pattern can manipulate feelings of unlimited audience and instantly grab attention as it is rarely used as compared to other geometric shapes.

Squares and rectangles:

Used as default shape in most of the web projects, squares, rectangles and diamonds have an entrenched meaning to it. They express consistency, stability, familiarity, firmness, loyalty and safety. Since these are universally found on many websites, they may seem to be boring and inexpressive. Rectangles are widely used for icons, business cards, buttons, text boxes, photo frames and the list goes on. In comparison to rectangles, squares are not so common; however these shapes with four corners are the safest and choicest patterns, therefore you cannot afford to ignore it.


A shape with sharp corners formed by joining 3 lines is a masculine pattern. In general, triangles connote strength, power, firmness and also mostly implies motion and action. Triangles are usually used in web-designing as navigational or directional tool. Triangles can also be used to generate dynamic icon or background theme.

Crossed lines:

When you say cross it instantly denotes holiness and divinity but this is not the only meaning which it carries. Crossed lines also signify health, faith, balance, unity and hope. Cross can be formed either by intersecting two line diagonally or one horizontally and other vertically. Vertical crossed lines are considered to be strong, aggression whereas horizontal are meant to be peaceful and stillness.

Spiral shapes:

Just like any art, spiral shapes are considered to be creative. These free-flowing spiral patterns are often associated with life, death, transformation and growth. Spiral shapes have religious impact as well as creative essence. As per its traditional significance, spiral is a sign for exposing secretive information or hidden knowledge. They are most common shape in religious and supernatural representation.

It is always interesting to know meaning of particular thing and then make use of it. By understanding the meaning of shapes, you can add more sense to your designs and make it interactive. With this intellectual approach you can create web designs that develop lasting impression on the users.

Webwingz Admin
Webwingz Admin
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