Design is a Reflection of your Brand

What is the first thing that catches your attention when you fix your eyes on any hottest Apple product or a BMW car? Well it is undeniably the spectacular and striking design. It’s the design which makes these brands so crowd-pleasing all over the globe. For any brand, the design acts as its ambassador, hence to make your brand palpable, it is essential to rack your brains on the designing aspect. Just by looking at the logo, you are easily able to identify the brand; this is the power of design. They are the visual languages that do not require any translation.

Steve Jobs have rightly quoted, “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” Since design primarily looms as a visual identity for your brand, it is fundamental to generate a design that makes a lasting impression on the users. Creativity, philosophy, technique, science are the basic ingredients of a good design. This visual representation is not just limited to logos or product designs; even website design reflects your brand. Your company website showcases a sneak peak of your brand. A good design not only expresses the significance of your brand but also enhances the brand value.

Let us now explore the different pieces of designing that would assist to escalate your brand and reach it on top of the heap:

Logo – Illustration for your Brand:

Have you ever thought why is the Apple bitten? There are various misconceptions related to the logo of the Apple brand such as it represents the Newton’s Law of Gravity or computer byte but the designer’s idea behind the logo was quite straightforward. The designer simply thought that the viewer should not misinterpret the apple with a cherry; hence he added a bite to it.

Are there any basic rules to design a logo?

There is no rule as such for creating a logo design but you need to focus on certain aspects:

  • Your logo may or may not have a motive behind its design but the main catch is it should be appealing.
  •  We live in a world where people are by and large obsessed with looks, if it’s not engaging your eyes then it will not engage your senses too.
  • As humans, we are largely reactive to visual images hence your brand may widely get recognized because of its eye-catching logo.
  • Some logos symbolize the name of your company while some signify the motto of your company; in any case, creative design is fundamental.

Web-design – A Brief Outlook:

What is the first thing that drives your attention towards a celebrity? It is undoubtedly their glamorous look or the sensational outfit. Likewise when you look at a company’s website, it’s the design, layout, content and colors that will persuade or even dissuade the visitors.

How to create an attention-grabbing website?

  • Memorable, inviting and enjoyable to read, this is how your website should appear.
  • Web design is similar to make up; it enhances the look of your website.  But only look and feel doesn’t work, user-friendly is the major prerequisite for a better website.
  • You brand will only make sense if it is easily accessible on web. The bottom-line of any web-design is to increase the customer interaction, which in turn will popularize your brand.

Convert your Ideas into Prototypes:

If new ideas blossom in your brain garden frequently, then you are certainly blessed with innovative thinking. But your ideas would be worthless if they not implemented or executed well. When you attempt to present your thought to the people, who are part of brand building, it may happen that your idea and their imagination will differentiate and ultimately create confusion.

So, how to avoid such puzzlement?

  • Well, prototype is the only solution for this confusion.
  • Prototype gives shape to your ideas which makes it easy to explain and demonstrate.
  • Apart from sharing the prototype with your team, you can also present it to your customers as it would create enticement and curiosity among them with respect to your brand.

We can’t say that design is the only way to endorse your brand but surely we can state that design is one of the key elements that prop up your brand and has the potential to flourish it all over the world.

For more information please go to our web design page or our contact page.

Webwingz Admin
Webwingz Admin
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