Design is Not Just About Visuals, it is Also About Solutions

Design-is-Not-Just-About-Visuals,-it-is-Also-About-SolutionsThe word ‘design’ is usually used to define visual aesthetics but now the definition of design is modified from just being mere decoration, especially in case of websites. Apart from being good visual representations for any business, website designs are additionally defined as better solution. Let’s take an example to understand this concept; previously shopping complexes had only stairs and elevators to travel up and down the building, although it was a good solution to go up and down, the engineers later came up with better solution, escalators. This was the fascination to design for better solution. What is the use of online shopping website that looks stunning with images of trendy apparels and accessories but doesn’t provide solution for all your shopping needs? Websites are made visually-appealing just to catch attention of the visitors. These visitors are turned into your clients only when they feel that the website is providing valuable solution for their problems or needs. Website designs are creative solutions for businesses. So the conclusion is only eye-catching website attracts visitors but eye-catching websites with better solution brings new clients.

Design is not an art:

Art is to express while design is to impress. Usually an artist expresses his personal feelings through art whereas designers impress the end-users through their skills. Art is about style and expression unlike design which is contextual. Design often comes out as a solution for your business problem. Both designers and artists convert their imagination into visual communication but the difference is artists think about their personal needs while designers thinks about others needs. The main task of businesses is to provide solutions. Facebook, popular social-networking site though does not look very striking but still, it is an ultimate website which engages users all over the world. Design of this website has been modified time and again to provide a better solution for the users. Design is solution for problem by concentrating on look and function, it can be in terms of interface layout, type of text etc. On the other hand, art is merely about admiration of beauty and life. Good designs most of the time are appreciated for its functionality rather than beauty. So in short, we can say that artists’ creation is for appreciation and designers’ creation is for solution.

Why designs are wrongly interpreted?

Why is design often looked upon as just an adornment? Nobody can actually be blamed for this misconception. True value of design lies in its ability to solve the problem and provide better solution to the users. A website should primarily serve as a key for business; the well designed interactions should assist the users effectively. Design is basically about crafting a visual solution for the real matters. A website design conveys the message and goal of a company through elements like content, images videos etc. Of course appealing look plays an important role but more concentration should be paid to its problem-solving part. At last, design is the answer to all your business needs.

So, this has made our point clear that website should not only be visually appealing but functionally appealing too.

For more information please go to our web design page or our contact page.

Webwingz Admin
Webwingz Admin
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